ZHU Chengli,YANG Hualei,FENG Genxiang,et al.微咸水灌溉下粉垄耕作土壤水盐运移特性[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(2):1-7.
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朱成立,杨花蕾,冯根祥,韩 莉,王 策,翟亚明,冯宝平,赵 涛
1.河海大学 农业科学与工程学院,南京 210098; 2.徐州市水利工程建设管理中心,江苏 徐州 221000
【目的】明确微咸水灌溉条件下粉垄耕作土壤水分入渗规律及水盐运移特征。【方法】基于室内土箱试验,分析3种微咸水矿化度(0 g/L(S1)、3 g/L(S2)和5 g/L(S3))和2种耕作(粉垄耕作(FL)和传统翻耕(FG))条件下的土壤水分入渗特征和水盐运移规律。【结果】水分平均入渗速率和垂直湿润锋推进速率随着微咸水矿化度的升高呈先增大后减小的变化趋势,水平湿润锋运移速度随着微咸水矿化度的升高而持续增加。FL处理下的土壤水分入渗速率、湿润锋推进速率相比FG处理有明显提升。Kostiakov模型可较好地拟合2种耕作措施下的土壤累积入渗量与入渗时间之间的关系(R2?0.99)。灌溉后20 d,FL处理下的土壤含水率均小于相同微咸水矿化度下的FG处理;同一耕作措施下,土壤含水率随着微咸水矿化度的升高而增加。【结论】微咸水灌溉与粉垄耕作对土壤水分入渗、土壤湿润锋运移和土壤水盐再分布具有改善作用。与灌溉前相比,灌溉后20 d,FL处理下的土壤平均脱盐率为42.95%~55.98%,而FG处理下的土壤平均脱盐率为32.34%~43.29%。随着矿化度的增加,FL处理下的平均土壤电导率相比FG处理分别下降22.38%、18.54%和15.68%。
关键词:  微咸水灌溉;粉垄耕作;土壤水分入渗;土壤水盐动态
Effect of vertically rotary sub-soiling tillage and saline water irrigation on water and salt movement in soil
ZHU Chengli, YANG Hualei, FENG Genxiang, HAN Li, WANG Ce, ZHAI Yaming, FENG Baoping, ZHAO Tao
1. College of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China; 2. Xuzhou Water Conservancy Engineering Construction Management Center, Xuzhou 221000, China
【Objective】Vertically rotary sub-soiling tillage is a new cultivation method to improve soil water storage. In this study, the effect of its combination with saline water irrigation on water and salt movement in soil were studied.【Method】The experiment was conducted in a laboratory. It consisted of three salinity treatments with salt concentration of the irrigation water being 0 g/L (S1), 3 g/L (S2), and 5 g/L (S3) respectively, and two tillage treatments: conventional tillage (FG) and vertically rotary sub-soiling tillage (FL). For each treatment, we measured the movement of water and salt in the soil.【Result】With the increase in irrigation water salinity, regardless of tillage, irrigation water infiltration rate and advancing rate of the wetting front in the vertical direction both increased first followed by a decline, while the advancing rate in the horizontal wetting front increased steadily. Compared to FG, FL reduced the infiltration time by 8.70, 15.27 and 14.89%, and the advancing time of the horizontal wetting front by 10.00, 17.39 and 20.95%, respectively, for salinity treatment S1, S2 and S3. The Kostiakov model accurately described the relationship between the cumulative infiltration and infiltration time for the two tillage treatments with R2>0.99. After 20 days since irrigation, the soil moisture content in FL was lower than that in FG when irrigation water salinity was the same, while under the same tillage, the soil moisture content increased with irrigation water salinity, despite at insignificant levels. After 20 days since irrigation, soil desalination rate in FL was 42.95%-55.98%, compared to 32.34%-43.29% in FL. It was also found that for salinity treatment S1, S2 and S3, the average soil salinity in FL decreased by 22.38%, 18.54% and 15.68%, respectively, compared to those in FG.【Conclusion】Saline water irrigation combined with vertically rotary sub-soiling tillage improves irrigation water infiltration, advancing of wetting fronts, as well as soil desalination. For all treatments we compared, vertically rotary sub-soiling tillage combined with an irrigation water salinity of 3 g/L is optimal.
Key words:  brackish water irrigation; smash-ridging cultivation; soil water infiltration; soil water and salt dynamics