引用本文:张文萍,曾 峰,钟 诚,等.施磷增氧对水稻成熟期锌吸收分配及产量的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(2):8-16.
ZHANG Wenping,ZENG Feng,ZHONG Cheng,et al.施磷增氧对水稻成熟期锌吸收分配及产量的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(2):8-16.
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张文萍,曾 峰,钟 诚,贺振华,吴友杰,蒋 易,王润贤,段慧军
1.湖南农业大学 水利与土木工程学院,长沙 410128;2.湖南省水利工程管理局,长沙 410007
【目的】明确施磷、增氧及二者互作对水稻根系生理特性、成熟期锌吸收分配及产量的影响。【方法】以杂交稻C两优608作为盆栽试验对象,设置增氧(OI)、不增氧(NI)2种灌溉方式,4个施磷水平(P1=0.00、P2=1.35、P3=2.70、P4=4.05 g/盆),研究施磷、增氧对水稻各生育期根系活力、根系酸性磷酸酶活性和成熟期各部位含锌量及产量性状的影响。【结果】①施磷使铁锰胶膜含锌量降低33.38%~60.41%,增氧使锌由根部向秸秆转移系数增加24.98%~113.15%,氧磷互作促使水稻秸秆含锌量增加,降低了锌由秸秆向籽粒的转移系数及籽粒锌分配比例;②OIP1处理水稻籽粒产量、千粒质量、有效穗数、籽粒锌分配比例均最高,分别为140.45 g/盆、27.57 g、29.00 个/株、29.52%,是提高水稻籽粒产量及锌吸收的最佳灌溉模式;③施磷增加水稻分蘖期根系活力,降低灌浆期根系酸性磷酸酶活性,抑制成熟期根部锌的吸收和累积,促进锌由秸秆向籽粒转移,进而使籽粒产量及结实率增加;氧磷互作降低分蘖期根系酸性磷酸酶活性,增加灌浆期根系酸性磷酸酶活性,提高水稻秸秆、籽粒含锌量,降低了水稻有效穗数、结实率和水稻锌由秸秆向籽粒的转移能力。【结论】施磷、氧磷互作均可通过影响水稻分蘖期、灌浆期根系生理特性,调控水稻籽粒锌吸收及锌由秸秆向籽粒的转移系数以影响水稻产量形成;增氧则促进水稻秸秆锌的吸收与分配。
关键词:  根系活力;根系酸性磷酸酶活性;锌吸收;产量;施磷;增氧灌溉;氧磷互作
Effects of phosphorus application and irrigation-water aeration on yield and zinc uptake and allocation in rice at maturation stage
ZHANG Wenping, ZENG Feng, ZHONG Cheng, HE Zhenhua, WU Youjie, JIANG Yi, WANG Runxian, DUAN Huijun
1.College of Hydraulic&Civil Engineering, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China; 2. Water Conservancy Engineering Administration of Hunan Province, Changsha 410007, China
【Objective】Bioavailable phosphorus and oxygen are key factors affecting root activity and crop yield. The objective of this paper is to elucidate how phosphorus fertilization and irrigation-water aeration combined to affect root physiological traits, zinc absorption and allocation in rice and grain yield at maturation stage.【Method】The experiment was conducted in pots using the variety of Liangyou 608 as the model plant. It consisted of two irrigation treatments: aerating irrigation (OI) and conventional irrigation (NI), and four phosphorus fertilizations: 0.00 (P1), 1.35(P2), 2.7 (P3), 4.05g /pot (P4). In each treatment, we measured root activity, root acid phosphatase activity at different growth stages, as well as zinc allocation and grain yield at maturation stage.【Result】① Phosphorus fertilization reduced zinc content in the iron-manganese films by 33.38% to 60.41%, while oxygenating irrigation water increased the transfer coefficient of zinc from root to straw by 24.98% to 113.15%. Aeration and phosphorus fertilization combined to increase zinc content in straw, but reduce the transfer coefficient of zinc from straw to grains. ② The combination OI+P1 gave the highest grain yield, 1000-grain weight, effective panicle numbers and zinc distribution, which were 140.45 g/pot, 27.57 g, 29.00 per plant and 29.52%, respectively. ③ Phosphorus application increased root activity at tillering stage, reduced root acid phosphatase activity at filling stage, inhibited the absorption and accumulation of zinc in roots at maturation stage, promoted transfer of zinc from straw to grain, and increased grain yield and seed setting rate. Aeration and phosphorus fertilization reduced the activity of root acid phosphatase at tillering stage, increased the activity of root acid phosphatase at filling stage, and increased the zinc content in rice straw and grain, but reduced the number of effective panicles, seed setting rate and the transferability of zinc from straw to grain.【Conclusion】Phosphorus fertilization combined with irrigation-water aeration affects the formation of rice yield due to their influence on the physiological characteristics of the rice roots at tillering and filling stages, as well as zinc translocation to grains. Irrigation-water oxygenation promoted the absorption and distribution of zinc in rice straw.
Key words:  root activity; root acid phosphatase activity; zinc absorption; yield; phosphorus application; oxygen aeration; the interaction of oxygenation and phosphorus application