引用本文:石 喜,田云霞,贡 力,等.弯管与三通管组合形变件局部阻力及相邻影响特性[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(2):17-24.
SHI Xi,TIAN Yunxia,GONG Li,et al.弯管与三通管组合形变件局部阻力及相邻影响特性[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(2):17-24.
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石 喜,田云霞,贡 力,陶 虎,谭春彬
兰州交通大学,兰州 730070
【目的】探究灌溉输水管网中的弯管与三通管组合形变件的局部阻力及其相邻影响特性。【方法】采用Realizable k-ε模型对不同雷诺数、管径比、分流比和相对间距下的组合形变件进行数值模拟,研究局部阻力系数和相邻影响系数的变化规律,分析不同相对间距下的流场分布。【结果】弯管—竖直支管的局部阻力系数"ζ" _"01" 和弯管—水平支管的局部阻力系数"ζ" _"02" 随雷诺数的增大而减小;"ζ" _"01" 、"ζ" _"02" 随分流比的增加先减小后增大;随着管径比的增大,"ζ" _"01" 、"ζ" _"02" 均呈减小趋势,且"ζ" _"01" 的减小幅度更加明显;随着相对间距的增大,"ζ" _"01" 、"ζ" _"02" 呈先减小后增大的趋势。弯管—竖直支管的相邻影响系数"C" _"01" 和弯管—水平支管的相邻影响系数"C" _"02" 随雷诺数、管径比、分流比和相对间距的变化呈不同的变化规律。局部阻力系数和相邻影响系数的变化取决于弯管二次流的发育、竖直支管涡流与水平支管涡流之间的相互作用。【结论】分流比、管径比、相对间距是弯管与三通管组合形变件管道系统的局部阻力、相邻影响的主要影响因素。
关键词:  组合形变件;阻力特性;相邻影响
Responsive change in local resistances and adjacent influencing characteristics to the combined deformation of elbow and tee pipes
SHI Xi, TIAN Yunxia, GONG Li, TAO Hu, TAN Chunbin
Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China
【Objective】The objective of this paper is to explore the response of local resistance and adjacent influence characteristics to combined deformation of elbow and tee pipes in irrigation water transmission network.【Method】The combined deformation parts with different Reynolds number, tube diameter ratio, shunt ratio and relative spacing were numerically simulated using the k-ε model, from which we studied the variation in local resistance coefficient and adjacent influence coefficient, as well as the flow distribution with different relative spacings.【Result】The local resistance coefficient ζ01 of the curved pipe-vertical branch pipe and the local resistance coefficient ζ02 of curved pipe-horizontal branch pipe both decrease with the increase in the Reynolds number. With the increase in shunt ratio, both ζ01 and ζ02 decrease at first and then increase. With the increase in pipe diameter ratio, ζ01 and ζ02 decrease, especially ζ01. With the increase in relative spacing, ζ01 and ζ02 decrease at first and then increase. The adjacent influence coefficient C01 of the curved pipe-vertical branch pipe and the adjacent influence coefficient C02 of curved pipe-horizontal branch pipe also vary but differently with the Reynolds number, pipe diameter ratio, shunt ratio and relative spacing. C02 varies more than C01. It is shown that the degree of mutual influence in the horizontal direction is sensitive. The analysis of the flow field shows that the changes in the local resistance coefficient and the adjacent influence coefficient depend on the development of secondary flow in the curved pipe and interaction of the eddy current in the vertical branch and the horizontal branch.【Conclusion】 Shunt ratio, pipe diameter ratio and relative spacing are the main factors influencing local resistance and adjacent influence of elbow and tee combined deformation parts.
Key words:  combined deformation parts; resistance characteristics; adjacent influence