LI Shaoxiong,LIU Shuhui,ZHAO Chunlong,et al.微咸水滴灌对温室黄瓜土壤酶活性和产量的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(6):26-33.
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太原理工大学 水利科学与工程学院,太原 030024
【目的】探究不同微咸水矿化度与灌水下限对土壤酶活性时空分布以及黄瓜生长和产量的影响。【方法】以温室黄瓜为研究对象,设置4种微咸水矿化度,分别为E1(5 g/L)、E2(3.5 g/L)、E3(2.5 g/L)、E4(0.5 g/L);3种灌水下限,控制滴头正下方20 cm土层处的土壤基质势分别为L1(-15 kPa)、L2(-25 kPa)、L3(-35 kPa),研究微咸水矿化度与灌水下限对土壤脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性的时空分布以及温室黄瓜生长和产量的影响。【结果】垂直方向上,随着土层深度的增加,各处理3种土壤酶活性均呈逐渐降低趋势;水平方向上,随着距滴头距离的增加,3种土壤酶活性逐渐降低。3种土壤酶活性在距滴头水平方向0~15 cm、垂直方向0~20 cm土层较高。矿化度为0.5~2.5 g/L的微咸水对土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶活性无显著影响,但显著提高了土壤碱性磷酸酶活性。矿化度为3.5~5 g/L的微咸水会使3种土壤酶活性明显降低。随着灌水下限的降低,土壤脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性先升高后降低,土壤蔗糖酶活性呈上升趋势。矿化度为3.5~5 g/L的微咸水滴灌处理黄瓜生长发育受到明显抑制,显著影响黄瓜产量;矿化度为0.5~2.5 g/L的微咸水滴灌,控制灌水下限为-35~-25 kPa有助于黄瓜生长并保证黄瓜产量。【结论】在淡水资源紧缺,而微咸水资源丰富的地区,可以尝试采用矿化度为0.5~2.5 g/L的微咸水,控制灌水下限为-35~-25 kPa灌溉温室黄瓜。
关键词:  黄瓜;微咸水;土壤酶活性;产量
The effect of brackish water drip irrigation on soil enzymatic activities and yield of greenhouse cucumber
LI Shaoxiong, LIU Shuhui, ZHAO Chunlong, DUAN Zhiwen
College of Water Resources Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
【Objective】Brackish groundwater can be used as a complementary irrigation resource to safeguard crop production in regions lacking freshwater resources. The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of the salinity of brackish water and soil water content on spatiotemporal variations in soil enzymatic activities, as well as growth and yield of cucumber.【Method】The experiment was conducted in an greenhouse, with the cucumber irrigated by brackish waters with salt concentrations of 5 (E1), 3.5 (E2), 2.5 (E3), 0.5 g/L (E4), respectively. We measured soil matric potential at the depth of 20 cm underneath the drip emitter, such that irrigation was resumed when the matric potential decreased to -15 kPa (L1), -25 kPa (L2) or -35 kPa (L3), respectively. In each treatment, we measured the spatiotemporal changes in activities of urease, alkaline phosphatase and sucrase in the soil, as well as growth and yield of the cucumber.【Result】The activities of all three enzymes decreased vertically with the soil depth and horizontally with the distance from the drip emitters. The three enzymes were most active in the top 0-20 cm soil layer, 0-15 cm away horizontally from the drip emitters. Irrigation with water at salt concentration of 0.5-2.5 g/L improved the alkaline phosphatase activity, with limited effect on the activities of urease and sucrase. Increasing water salinity to 3.5-5 g/L suppressed the activities of all three enzymes. With the decrease in soil matric potential used for irrigation control, the activity of sucrase increased steadily, while the activities of urease and alkaline phosphatase increased first followed by a decrease. Irrigation with water at salt concentration of 3.5-5 g/L significantly inhibited the growth and development of the cucumber, while reducing the soil matric potential used for irrigation control to -35 - -25 kPa improved the cucumber growth and yield.【Conclusion】Irrigating greenhouse cucumber using brackish water with salt concentration of 0.5-2.5 g/L and resuming irrigation whenever the soil matric potential at the depth of 20 cm underneath the drip emitters decreased to -35 - -25 kPa can improve cucumber production without resulting in noticeable soil quality deterioration.
Key words:  cucumber; slightly saline water; soil enzyme activity; yield