引用本文:丛 鑫,王 通,庞桂斌,等.微咸水灌溉下冬枣光合生理性状与光响应模型研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(6):18-25.
CONG Xin,WANG Tong,PANG Guibin,et al.微咸水灌溉下冬枣光合生理性状与光响应模型研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(6):18-25.
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丛 鑫,王 通,庞桂斌,徐立荣,徐征和,刘鸿飞,甄玉月
1.济南大学,济南 250022;2.山东水文水环境科技有限公司,济南 250014
【目的】研究不同灌溉水矿化度对冬枣光合生理性状的影响。【方法】基于大田试验,研究1 g/L(S1)、2 g/L(S2)、3 g/L(S3)、4 g/L(S4)和5 g/L(S5)灌溉水矿化度下的土壤水盐分布规律与冬枣光合生理响应机制。【结果】叶片净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度均在3 g/L处理或4 g/L处理下达到峰值;与其他处理相比,4 g/L处理与5 g/L处理灌溉水矿化度下的叶片叶绿素量、最大荧光效率和最大量子效率显著降低;与1 g/L处理相比,3 g/L处理与4 g/L处理下的冬枣表观量子效率、最大净光合速率、光补偿点、暗呼吸速率显著升高,而光饱和点显著降低,3~4 g/L灌溉水矿化度虽然减小了冬枣的可利用光强范围,但提高了叶片的生理活性。【结论】在果实膨大期,灌溉水矿化度为1~3 g/L时,气孔限制是影响冬枣光合作用的主要因素,而当灌溉水矿化度超过4 g/L时,非气孔限制因素是导致叶片光能利用效率降低的主要原因。综合考虑土壤生态环境与冬枣生理过程,推荐采用3 g/L矿化度的微咸水对冬枣进行灌溉。
关键词:  冬枣;微咸水;光合;拟合
Effect of brackish water irrigation on photosynthesis of winter jujube
CONG Xin, WANG Tong, PANG Guibin, XU Lirong, XU Zhenghe, LIU Hongfei, ZHEN Yuyue
1. University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China; 2. Shandong Hydrology and Water Environment Technology Co., Ltd, Jinan 250014, China
【Objective】Brackish waters including saline groundwater and treated wastewater have been increasingly used as a complimentary irrigation water resource in regions where freshwater is scarce. In the paper we investigate the effect of various concentrations of saltine irrigation water on photosynthetic characteristics of winter jujube.【Method】The experiment was conducted in 2020 in a jujube orchard, with the winter jujubes irrigated by mixtures of saltine groundwater and freshwater at concentrations of 1 (S1), 2 (S2), 3 (S3), 4 (S4) and 5 g/L (S5), respectively. In each treatment, we measured the spaciotemporal changes in soil water and salt, as well as the photosynthetic traits of the jujubes.【Result】Net photosynthetic rate, transpiration and stomatal conductance of the plant leaves varied with irrigation salinity nonlinearly, all peaking in S3 or S4. Compared with other treatments, S3 and S4 reduced the SPAD, maximum fluorescence and maximum quantum efficiency significantly. Compared to S1, S3 and S4 increased the apparent quantum efficiency, maximum net photosynthetic rate, light compensation point, and dark respiration rate, but reduced the light saturation point. These indicate that, although S3 and S4 reduced the range of available light intensity, they improved the physiological activity and efficient photosynthesis of the jujube leaves.【Conclusion】Irrigating the winter jujubes with saline water at concentration of 1-3 g/L during the fruit enlargement period can prevent light reaction inhibition and promote efficient photosynthesis. However, irrigation with water salinity exceeding 4 g/L led to salinity stress, thereby significantly reducing light energy utilization efficiency. To minimize soil salt accumulation and improve growth and development of the winter jujube, maintaining irrigation water salinity around 3 g/L is most beneficial.
Key words:  winter jujube; brackish water; photosynthesis; fitting