LEI Chenyu,LIU Zhenji,ZONG Quanli,et al.泵前无压网式过滤器水力性能试验及研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(6):68-75.
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雷辰宇,刘贞姬,宗全利,杨 昊,龙洋娟,陆 辰
1.石河子大学 水利建筑工程学院,新疆 石河子 832003; 2.青岛农业大学 环境与资源学院,山东 青岛 266109; 3.石河子大学 寒旱区生态水利工程兵团重点实验室,新疆 石河子 832000
【目的】探究不同灌溉水源及反清洗装置参数对一种新型无压网式过滤器水力性能的影响。【方法】以一种无压网式过滤器为研究对象,利用多因素方差分析探究在过滤流量为120~160 m3/h、颗粒质量浓度为0.2~0.8 g/L以及反清洗装置的反冲洗流量为1~20 m3/h、滤筒转速为1~4 r/min梯度下的最终水头损失以及过滤器能量损耗的影响因素贡献度。【结果】①不同工况下,颗粒质量浓度对无压网式过滤器的水力性能影响效应极低,贡献度仅为0.010 8,过滤流量项比初始含沙量项贡献度大于159%;②利用Quadratic模型对一般的回归分析修正较好,模型残差值为0.804 4,远高于其他模型,调整R2为0.986 1;③当过滤流量为120.198 m3/h,滤筒转速为1.112 r/min,自清洗流量为19.934 m3/h,满足能量损失最小为16.024 kPa。【结论】Quadratic水力性能模型的预测能力能较好的符合试验值,通过优选最佳值,可以使能量损失达到最小化的目标,满足实际应用。
关键词:  网式过滤器;无压过滤器;水力性能;反冲洗;多因素方差检验
Hydraulic performance of non-pressurized mesh filter in front of pumps
LEI Chenyu, LIU Zhenji, ZONG Quanli, YANG Hao, LONG Yangjuan, LU Chen
1. College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, China; 2. College of Environment and Resources, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, China; 3. Key Laboratory of Ecological Water Conservancy Engineering in Cold and Arid Regions, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832000, China
【Objective】Non-pressurized mesh filters are often installed in front of pumps to filter sediments and debris. In this paper, we study the influence of different irrigation water sources and backwash device parameters on hydraulic performance of a new network filter.【Method】The water flow rate in the experiment ranged from 120 to 160 m3/h, and the sediment concentration in the water varied from 0.2 to 0.8 g/L. The backwash varied from 1 to 20 m3/h, and the velocity gradient in the filter box changed from 1 to 4 r/min. A multi factor dispersion analysis method was used to analyze the experimental results.【Result】① The initial sediment concentration had minimal impact on hydraulic performance of the mesh filter, contributing only 0.010 8 to the overall effect. However, the influence of water flow duration on the initial sediment concentration was significant, exceeding 159%. ② The fourth model provided the best fit for the overall regression analysis, with a residual value of 0.804 4, significantly higher than other models; its coefficient of determination R2 was 0.986 1. ③ the optimal performance was achieved when flow rate was 120.198 m3/h, velocity was 1.112 r/min, and self-cleaning flow rate was 19.934 m3/h. The associated a minimum energy loss was 16.024 kPa.【Conclusion】The model we proposed can accurately predict the impact of operation conditions and sediment concentration in the water on the performance of the non-pressurized mesh filters. Selecting optimal operation conditions can minimize the energy loss across the filter.
Key words:  mesh filter; non pressure filter; hydraulic performance; backwashing; multivariate test of variance