引用本文:蒋 跃,王莉莎,李 红,等.养殖肥水喷灌条件下摇臂式喷头水力性能研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(6):61-67.
JIANG Yue,WANG Lisha,LI Hong,et al.养殖肥水喷灌条件下摇臂式喷头水力性能研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(6):61-67.
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蒋 跃,王莉莎,李 红,左新乐
1.江苏大学 流体机械工程技术研究中心,江苏 镇江 212013; 2.常州江苏大学工程技术研究院,江苏 常州 213164
【目的】研究不同喷灌介质对喷头水力性能的影响。【方法】以20PY2H摇臂式喷头为研究对象,在不同工作压力下测定了清水和养殖肥水2种喷灌介质对喷头压力-流量、喷头水量分布的影响。通过模拟计算和田间喷灌试验分析相结合的方法,探查喷灌介质、工作压力、组合间距、田间气象条件与喷灌均匀性之间的关系。【结果】①与清水灌溉相比,养殖肥水运行下喷头流量降低了2.06%~5.38%,射程前中段径向水量分布差异较大;②工作压力为200~300 kPa、组合间距为1.0R~1.4R条件下,MATLAB拟合出的CU模拟值为0.74~0.88,CU试验值为0.66~0.79。复杂的大田气象条件导致喷灌均匀系数下降了6.28%~12.78%。工作压力、喷头组合间距对清水运行喷灌均匀性的影响大于养殖肥水运行。【结论】养殖肥水喷灌更利于喷灌系统降低工作压力和增加喷头布置间距以降低设计成本。
关键词:  养殖肥水;摇臂式喷头;水力性能;试验水量分布;组合均匀性
Experimental study on the hydraulic performance of impact-sprinkler system using aquaculture water for irrigation
JIANG Yue, WANG Lisha, LI Hong, ZUO Xinle
1. Research Centre of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China; 2. Changzhou Engineering and Technology Institute of Jiangsu University, Changzhou 213164, China
【Background】Sprinkler irrigation is a widely used technique across various sectors. This study examines the impact of using aquaculture water for irrigation on the hydraulic performance of the 20PY2H impact sprinkler systems.【Method】The experiments were conducted under varying working pressures and nozzle spacings, with clean water irrigation serving as the control. Measurements in the experiments included the pressure-flow relationship and water-droplet distribution around the nozzle for each treatment. The relationships between irrigation water type, working pressure, and nozzle spacing were analyzed, along with the influence of meteorological factors on irrigation uniformity.【Result】① Compared with the control using clean water for irrigation, irrigation using aquaculture water reduced flow rate of the sprinkler system by 2.06%-5.38%. ② When working pressure was in the range of 200-300 kPa and nozzle-spacing was in the range of 1.0-1.4 of the radius of the covered area of the nozzle, the value of the CU calculated by our proposed model varied from 0.74 to 0.88, close to the measured CU which was in the range of 0.66 to 0.79. The erratic change in meteorological conditions in the field could reduce irrigation uniformity by 6.28%-12.78%.【Conclusion】Using aquaculture water for irrigation decreases the flow rate of the sprinkler systems. The effect of working pressure and nozzle spacing on irrigation uniformity is more pronounced when using clean water than using aquaculture water.
Key words:  farming fertilizer water; impact sprinkler; hydraulic performance; test water distribution; uniformity coefficient