WANG Dayong,GUAN Qinghua,JIN Ruiqing,et al.基于遥感监测的沿运洼地内涝特征与影响因素研究[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(6):99-105.
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王大勇,管清花,金瑞清,刘 丹,窦俊伟,陈学群,范明元
1.山东省水利科学研究院,济南 250014;2.山东省海河淮河小清河流域水利管理服务中心, 济南 250014;3.山东省水资源与水环境重点实验室,济南 250014
关键词:  沿运洼地;内涝特征;归一化差异水体指数;归一化植被指数;水利设施
Using remote sensing to study flooding and its detrimental impact in lowlands of the Grand Canal
WANG Dayong, GUAN Qinghua, JIN Ruiqing, LIU Dan, DOU Junwei, CHEN Xuequn, FAN Mingyuan
1. Water Resources Research Institute of Shandong Province, Jinan 250014, China; 2. Haihe River, Huaihe River and Xiaoqinghe River Basin Water Conservancy Management and Service Center of Shandong Province, Jinan 250014, China; 3. Shandong Province Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Environment, Jinan 250014, China
【Objective】The Grand Canal is a complex hydraulic project in the eastern China. This paper studies the flooding and its detrimental impacts in the lowland areas of the canal.【Method】The research was conducted in the Pichang-Tanxin Plain, using multi-source remote sensing data and ground surveys to analyze flooding events. We calculated the normalized difference water body index (NDWI) and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) before and after flooding to assess flood severity, impact on crop growth, as well as the efficacy of hydraulic facilities in miti-gating flooding effects.【Result】The NDVI difference between 2004 and 2005 for crops in flooded and non-flooded areas was 0.5 and 0.25, respectively, indicating floodings detrimentally affected crop growth and development. NDWI analysis from 2003 to 2017 demonstrated that the Taierzhuang Control Gate project mitigated flooding impacts on nearby farmlands. Flooding also affected crops in non-inundated regions, with lowland crops more adversely impacted than those outside lowlands. The hydraulic facilities significantly reduced economic losses caused by flooding.【Conclusion】Remote sensing is an effective tool for monitoring inundated areas and assessing the consequences of flooding on crops. The construction of hydraulic facilities plays a crucial role in reducing the detrimental effects of flooding in lowland regions of the Grand Canal.
Key words:  depressions along the Grand Canal; flooding characteristics; NDWI; NDVI; hydraulic facilities