引用本文:张煜广,陈 瑞,郭慧丹,等.镉对7个南瓜杂交组合幼苗生长及镉积累特性的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(6):106-112.
ZHANG Yuguang,CHEN Rui,GUO Huidan,et al.镉对7个南瓜杂交组合幼苗生长及镉积累特性的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(6):106-112.
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张煜广,陈 瑞,郭慧丹,逯 雪,陈碧华,郭卫丽, 李庆飞,刘振威,陈学进,李新峥
1.河南科技学院 园艺园林学院,河南 新乡 453003;2.苏梅国立农业大学,乌克兰 苏梅 40000
【目的】选育耐镉南瓜砧木种质资源。【方法】基于基质盆栽试验,研究不同浓度镉(Cd)胁迫(0、8、16 mg/L)对7个南瓜杂交组合幼苗生长及镉积累特性的影响,以0 mg/L为对照(CK),利用隶属函数综合评价南瓜不同杂交组合的Cd积累特性。【结果】在不同浓度的Cd胁迫下,“盐边-3×陵川c1”、“河头a2×041-1”的株高、干质量和鲜质量均显著低于CK,而“360-3×041-1”与CK无显著差异。“360-3×041-1”的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性较高,电导率较低。“360-3×041-1”、“盐边-4×陵川c1”的地上部Cd量显著低于其他杂交组合,且转移系数小,对Cd的吸收积累能力较弱。隶属函数综合分析显示,在8 mg/L的Cd胁迫下,7个南瓜杂交组合的耐Cd性依次为:“360-3×041-1”?“盐边-4×陵川c1”?“盐边-3×360-3”?“盐边-2×041-1”?“河头a2×360-3”?“盐边-3×陵川c1”?“河头a2×041-1”;在16 mg/L的Cd胁迫下,7个南瓜杂交组合的耐Cd性依次为:“360-3×041-1”?“盐边-4×陵川c1”?“盐边-3×360-3”?“河头a2×360-3”?“盐边-3×陵川c1”?“盐边-2×041-1”?“河头a2×041-1”。【结论】“360-3×041-1”、“盐边-4×陵川c1”、“盐边-3×360-3”对Cd胁迫的耐受性较强,其中“360-3×041-1”在Cd胁迫下的长势最好,Cd转移系数最低,可作为最优的耐镉砧木材料。
关键词:  镉胁迫;生长生理;转移系数;隶属函数
The impact of soil cadmium contamination on growth and cadmium accumulation in the seedlings of different pumpkin hybrid varieties
ZHANG Yuguang, CHEN Rui, GUO Huidan, LU Xue, CHEN Bihua, GUO Weili, LI Qingfei, LIU Zhenwei, CHEN Xuejin, LI Xinzheng
1. School of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Xinxiang 453003, China; 2. Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy 40000, Ukraine
【Objective】Soil contamination by cadmium (Cd) is a problem for agriculture production in many countries. One remediation method is to improve the tolerance of crops to Cd. In this paper, we investigate the tolerance of the seedlings of different pumpkin varieties to Cd contamination and Cd accumulation in the plants.【Method】The experiment compared seven pumpkin varieties: 360-3×041-1, Yanbian-4×Lingchuanc1, Yanbian-3×360-3, Yanbi-an-2×041-1, Hetou a2×360-3, Yanbian-3×Lingchuan c1, and Hetou a2×041-1. They were all grown in pots repacked with soils contaminated by Cd at concentration of 0, 8 and 16 mg/L, respectively. During the experiment, we measured the growth, physiological traits of the plants, as well as Cd accumulation in the plants.【Result】① Compared to the control without Cd contamination, Cd stress significantly reduced plant height, dry and fresh mass of the Yanbi-an-3×Lingchuan c1 and Hetou a2×041-1 varieties, but had no significant impact on the 360-3×041-1 variety. ② Regardless of Cd stress levels, the 360-3×041-1 had the highest activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT), and the lowest electrical conductivity. ③ The Cd content in the above-ground part of 360-3×041-1 and Yanbian-4×Lingchuan c1 was significantly lower than that in other varieties; their associated Cd transfer coefficient was small and the Cd accumulation was low. ④ Comprehensive analysis showed that in soil contaminated by Cd at concentration of 8 mg/L, the tolerance of the seven varieties to Cd was ranked in the order of 360-3×041-1>Yanbian-4×Lingchuanc1>Yanbian-3×360-3>Yanbian-2×041-1>Hetou a2×360-3>Yanbian-3×Lingchuan c1>Hetou a2×041-1. In soil contaminated by Cd at concentration of 16 mg/L, their tolerance to Cd was ranked in the order of 360-3×041-1>Yanbian-4×Lingchuan c1>Yanbian-3×360-3>Hetou a2×360-3>Yanbian-3×Lingchuan c1>Yanbian-2×041-1>Hetou a2×041-1.【Conclusion】Comprehensive analysis shows that the varieties 360-3×041-1, Yanbian-4×Lingchuan c1 and Yanbian-3×360-3 were more tolerant to Cd stress, especially 360-3×041-1 which had the lowest cadmium transfer coefficient and can healthily grow in Cd contaminated soils.
Key words:  cadmium stress; growth physiology; transfer coefficient; membership function