引用本文:赵一波,杨 威,屈忠义,等.春汇/夏浇灌溉制度对盐碱土壤水盐运移及向日葵 水分利用的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(6):10-17.
ZHAO Yibo,YANG Wei,QU Zhongyi,et al.春汇/夏浇灌溉制度对盐碱土壤水盐运移及向日葵 水分利用的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(6):10-17.
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春汇/夏浇灌溉制度对盐碱土壤水盐运移及向日葵 水分利用的影响
赵一波,杨 威,屈忠义,王丽萍,高晓瑜,张如鑫,任恩良
1.内蒙古农业大学,呼和浩特 010000;2.内蒙古科技大学,内蒙古 包头 014010
【目的】确定河套灌区向日葵适宜的节水控盐春汇—夏浇灌溉制度,提高灌区农业灌溉水资源利用效率。【方法】设置非生育期畦灌(春汇S,灌溉定额135、95 mm)和作物生育期滴灌(夏浇W,灌溉定额135、100、68 mm)田间小区试验,研究了不同春汇/夏浇条件下的向日葵农田土壤水盐分布规律、盐分淋洗效果、作物生长特征及水分利用效率。【结果】S135W135处理下的整个生育期内平均土壤含水率较高,为17.10%,为饱和含水率的75.53%;S95W135处理下的土壤含水率变异系数最小,为22.40%。S135、S95处理下的土壤脱盐率分别介于50.50%~32.64%、38.87%~21.87%,春汇后S135和S95处理下的0~80 cm土层的土壤盐分量无显著差异;S135W100、S95W135处理下的灌溉水淋洗深度较高,脱盐效果较好,土壤脱盐率均显著高于除S135W135处理以外的其他处理,0~80 cm土层脱盐率为40.77%和33.37%,较S135W135处理分别提高68.39%、37.86%。S95W135、S135W100处理下的地上部干物质量显著大于其他处理,相比S135W135处理增加10.55%和9.94%。S135W100处理的作物水分利用效率最高(21.59%),较S135W135处理显著增加13.03%。【结论】常规春汇水量减少30%(95 mm)与夏浇滴灌(135 mm)是河套灌区向日葵农田适宜的灌溉制度。
关键词:  河套灌区;节水灌溉;水盐运移;水分利用效率;脱盐率
The effect of dual spring-summer irrigations on water and salt transport in saline-alkali soil and water use of sunflower in Hetao Irrigation District
ZHAO Yibo, YANG Wei, QU Zhongyi, WANG Liping, GAO Xiaoyu, ZHANG Ruxin, REN Enliang
1. Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010000, China; 2. Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, China
【Objective】A pre-planting border irrigation in spring coupled with a drip irrigation in summer during crops growth season is an irrigation technique to reduce soil salinity and safeguard crops growth in the salt-affected soils in the Hetao Irrigation District in Inner Mongolia. This paper investigates the impact of different combinations of irrigation amounts in the dual irrigations on changes in soil water and salt, as well as the growth of sunflower.【Method】The field experiment compared two spring (S) irrigation amounts: 95 mm and 135 mm, and three summer (W) irrigation amounts: 68, 100 mm and 135 mm. In each treatment, we measured the spatiotemporal changes in soil water and salt, as well as crop growth characteristics.【Result】① The soil water content in the S135W135 treatment was the highest among all treatments during the experimental period, with the average soil water content and saturation being 17.10% and 75.53%, respectively. The coefficient of variation of soil water content in the S95W135 treatment was 22.40%, the lowest among all treatments. ② Depending on the summer irrigation amount, the desalination rate of the 0-80 cm soil layer under S135 and S95 varied from 32.64% to 50.50% and 21.8% to 38.87%, respectively. Although the spring irrigation amounts did not significantly affect immediate post-irrigation salt content, the S135W100 and S95W135 combinations showed deeper leaching depths and higher desalination rates (40.77% and 33.37%, respectively) than other treatments. ③ Aboveground dry matter production was significantly higher in the S95W135 and S135W100 combinations than in other combinations, surpassing the S135W135 combination by 10.55% and 9.94%, respectively. The S135W100 combination achieved the highest water use efficiency at 21.59%, an increase of 13.03% compared to S135W135.【Conclusion】Reducing spring irrigation by 30% to 95 mm combined with a summer drip irrigation of 135 mm is the most efficient irrigation scheme for sunflower cultivation in the salt-affected soils in the Hetao Irrigation District.
Key words:  Hetao Irrigation District; water-saving irrigation; water and salt transport; water use efficiency; desalinization rate