CHEN Yusen,SUN Yiyang,GUO Junling,et al.渐进性干旱胁迫下黄芩生理特性及活性成分响应[J].灌溉排水学报,2024,43(6):52-60.
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陈雨森,孙祎洋,郭军玲,张 强,杨治平,黄高鉴
1.山西农业大学 资源环境学院,太原 030031;2.山西农业大学 生态环境产业技术研究院/土壤 环境与养分资源山西省重点实验室,太原 030031;3.山西农业大学 农业农村部盐碱地 改良与利用(干旱与半干旱盐碱地)重点实验室,太原 030031
【目的】研究渐进性干旱胁迫对黄芩生长、生理特性及活性成分的影响。【方法】在移动式旱棚下开展盆栽试验,设田间持水率(FC)的80%、60%、40%共3个初始土壤含水率,研究不同初始土壤含水率下渐进性干旱胁迫后对黄芩生物量、光合特性、渗透物质量、抗氧化酶活性及活性成分的影响。【结果】①不同初始土壤含水率下渐进性干旱胁迫对黄芩生物量无显著影响。②胁迫期间,80%FC处理黄芩苷量显著增高,40%FC处理黄芩素量显著增高,胁迫后收获时黄芩苷量表现为40%FC处理>60%FC处理>80%FC处理,与80%FC处理相比,40%FC、60%FC处理黄芩苷量显著升高17.3%、11.3%,各处理黄芩素量差异不显著。③胁迫期间各处理净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、胞间二氧化碳摩尔分数均持续降低。胁迫8~10 d时,60%FC处理净光合速率与80%FC处理无显著差异。④胁迫期间各处理丙二醛量、脯氨酸量均呈不断上升趋势,80%FC处理脯氨酸量较高,最高达121.66 μg/g。⑤胁迫期间各处理黄芩过氧化物酶、超氧化物歧化酶活性变化趋势相似,在胁迫前期活性较低,后期活性逐渐上升;超氧化物歧化酶活性表现为40%FC处理>60%FC处理>80%FC处理。⑥40%FC与60%FC处理中黄芩活性成分收获总量较高。【结论】本试验条件下,重度渐进性干旱胁迫(40%FC)下黄芩光合作用受抑制明显,渗透物质迅速积累,抗氧化酶活性提高,黄芩素量较高。轻度与重度(60%FC与40%FC)渐进性干旱胁迫均有助于提高黄芩活性成分收获量。
关键词:  黄芩;生理特性;干旱胁迫;活性成分
The effect of progressive drought on physiological traits of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi
CHEN Yusen, SUN Yiyang, GUO Junling, ZHANG Qiang, YANG Zhiping, HUANG Gaojian
1. College of Resources and Environment in Shanxi Agriculture University, Taiyuan 030800, China; 2. Institute of Eco-environment and Industrial Technology/Shanxi Province Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Nutrient Resources, Taiyuan 030031, China; 3. Key Experiment on the Improvement and Utilization of Saline Alkali Land (Arid and Semi-arid Saline Alkali Land) in the Agriculture and Rural Department of Shanxi Agricultural University, Taiyuan 030031, China
【Objective】Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi (SBG) is a Chinese medicine. This paper studies the combined effect of initial soil water content and progressive drought on physiological traits and quality of SBG.【Method】The pot experiment was conducted in a mobile water shelter. The initial soil water content in the pots were controlled at 40%, 60% and 80% of the field capacity (FC) to represent severe, moderate, and mild drought, respectively. In each treatment, we measured the biomass, photosynthetic characteristics, osmotic substances, activities of antioxidant enzymes and active ingredients of the plants.【Result】① No significant difference in biomass accumulation was found between the treatments. ② During the stress period, baicalin content was significantly higher in the 80%FC treatment, baicalein content was significantly higher in the 40%FC treatment and the baicalin content decreased with initial soil water treatment in the order of 40%FC>60%FC>80%FC. When the soil water content was 40%FC and 60%FC, the baicalin content was 17.3% and 11.3% higher than that when soil water content was 80%FC. Change in soil water contents did not have a significant impact on baicalein content. ③ Net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and intercellular carbon dioxide concentration all decreased as the plants grew, regardless of the soil water treatments. 8-10 d after the onset of water stress, the net photosynthetic rate did not show significant differences between the 60%FC and 80%FC treatments. ④ Under water stress, the content of malondialdehyde and proline in all treatments increased as the plants grew. The proline content was the highest in the 80%FC treatment, reaching 121.66 μg/g. ⑤ The activities of POD and CAT responded to water stress similarly, both increasing gradually as water stress persisted. The impact of soil water on activity of SOD was ranked in the order of 40%FC>60%FC>80%FC. ⑥ The active ingredients were higher in the 40%FC and 60%FC treatments.【Conclusion】Severe progressive drought with the soil water content kept at 40%FC reduced photosynthesis and increased baicalein content, osmolytes and activity of antioxidant enzymes. Mild and severe droughts by keeping the soil water content at 40%FC and 60%FC can improve accumulation of active ingredients in SBG.
Key words:  Scutellaria baicaiensis Georgi; physiological characteristics; drought stress; active ingredients