引用本文: | 王志强,刘康,彭凌馨,等.锌肥对干旱下冬小麦产量形成及籽粒锌积累动态的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2017,36(9):. |
| WANG Zhiqiang,LIU Kang,PENG Lingxin,et al.锌肥对干旱下冬小麦产量形成及籽粒锌积累动态的影响[J].灌溉排水学报,2017,36(9):. |
摘要: |
锌肥对干旱下冬小麦产量形成及籽粒锌积累动态的影响 |
关键词: 锌; 干旱胁迫; 冬小麦; 籽粒锌积累; 产量 |
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The Impact of Zinc Fertilizer on Yield and Accumulation of Zinc in Grain of Winter Wheat under Drought Stress |
WANG Zhiqiang, LIU Kang, PENG Lingxin, LI Zongzhen, GONG Pu, ZHANG Liting, DONG Zhongdong, REN Yongzhe, XIN Zeyu, LIN Tongbao
College of Agronomy, Henan Agricultural University/Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Grain Crops/State Key Laboratory of Wheat and Maize Crop Science, Zhengzhou 450002, China
Abstract: |
Drought is one of main abiotic stresses limiting wheat production. In this paper, we investigated the feasibility of using zinc fertilizer to alleviate the impact of drought on growth and yield of the wheat. The cultivar Yunong211 was used as the model plant, and the effect of zinc fertilizer on SPAD value, leaf water content, dry matter accumulation, filling rate, accumulation of zinc in grain, as well as the yield was examined under different drought stresses. The results showed that drought significantly reduced the chlorophyll content in leaves, leaf water content, dry matter accumulation, filling rate, accumulation of zinc in grain and the yield. Applying adequate zinc fertilizer improved the chlorophyll content in the leaves, total plant dry matter, grain filling rate, zinc accumulation in grain, and yield. In our experiments, applying zinc fertilizer increased yield and zinc content in the grain by 4.80% and 36.86%, respectively, when the plant was subjected to drought stress. |
Key words: zinc; drought stress; winter wheat; grain zinc accumulation; yield |