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Predicting Change of Groundwater Table in Seasonal Permafrost
LIU Jiashuai, YANG Wenyuan, HAO Peijing, YU Jian, YANG Jinzhong
The State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China; The Inner Mongolia Institute of Water Resources and Conservancy Research, Hohhot 010020, China
This paper proposed a statistical model to predict groundwater table in seasonal permafrost in Hetao Irrigation District of Inner Mongolia. We linked the groundwater table to surface air temperature, and a linear relationship was found between them based on long-term experimental data. This, incombination with a water balance model for non-frozen seasons, provided a modified model to analyze water balance in permafrost. The model parameters were obtained by optimization using data measured in both frozen and non-frozen seasons. Comparisons between calculated and measured groundwater tables showed that the proposed model is able to predict change of groundwater table in both freezing and thawing seasons reasonably well. The model is simple and accurate for practical applications.
Key words:  freezing and thawing period; air temperatures; linear model; improved water balance model; optimization